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Programs and Fees

Cara Armstrong Kindergarten is fortunate to have a dynamic and committed team of qualified teachers. Children help guide the curriculum, with teachers drawing on the interests of the groups to further investigate and explore topics. As well as the regular classroom program, the children at Cara Armstrong also enjoy a range of other activities. Both the 3-year-old Bumblebees and 4 -year-old Grasshoppers participate in regular sports and dance incursions, plus other incursions throughout the year to support the interests of the children (from bugs to bones, and robots to rabbits). They also participate in excursions to the local parkland and Primary School.

Cara Armstrong was selected to deliver the pilot Victorian Department of Education and Training's Early Childhood Language Program in 2019. The program has since been approved on an ongoing basis. Our 4-year-old Grasshopper group participates in a weekly 3-hour Mandarin program within the service which includes games, songs and other activities.

We also encourage the children to help those less fortunate through programs such as the Smith Family Christmas Appeal and Fareshare food drive.

Children and parents enjoy regular events to come together as a community such as picnics, special events and even our very own Fun Run! Parents are always welcome and staying to play at Kinder with your child is always encouraged.

Cara Armstrong Kindergarten has decided to ‘opt in’ to the ‘Free Kinder’ program recently announced by the Victorian Government and pass on the savings to families ($2500 per child per year). However, this level of funding is significantly below the fees previously charged which allow us to deliver high quality programs and cover our costs as a non-profit kindergarten. In order to maintain our program, including the same level of resourcing and incursions and inclusions (e.g., regular sport/music/dance incursions), and meet the requirements of the free kinder program our families will be asked to make a voluntary contribution to help cover the ‘gap’ between our fees required to break even and the ‘free kinder’ funding.

Bumblebees 2025

3-Year-Old Kindergarten Program (22 Places)

The Bumblebee 2025 program consists of 13.5 core hours.

Wednesday 8.30am-3.15pm  |  Friday 8.30am-3.15pm
2025 cost per term: Free subject to Victorian Government Free Kindergarten Funding.

We ask families who are participating in the free kindergarten program to contribute via a voluntary payment of $375 per term.

Grasshoppers 2025

4-Year-Old Kindergarten Program (22 Places)

The Grasshopper 2025 program consists of 15 fully funded core hours, and a program of optional additional hours to extend days to 3:15pm. Our excellent teacher and educators will continue to offer a high quality Kindergarten program across both the core and additional hours.

Monday 8.30am -1:30pm  |  Tuesday 8.30am -1:30pm  |  Thursday 8.30am -1:30pm
2025 cost per term: Free subject to Victorian Government Free Kindergarten Funding.

Additional Kinder Hours:
Monday 1:30pm - 3:15pm  |  Tuesday 1:30pm - 3:15pm  |  Thursday 1:30pm - 3:15pm
2025 cost per term: $950

We ask families who are participating in the free kindergarten program to contribute via a voluntary payment of $375 per term.

Kindergarten Selection Criteria Variations

Cara Armstrong Kindergarten has a Parent Participation Policy that affects selection criteria for admission to both 3-year-old and 4-year-old kindergarten. If you have served on the Committee within the past 5 years, please complete the relevant section on the Enrolment Application Form.

For further information, contact the Cara Armstrong Enrolment Officer: cakenrolments@gmail.com

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